There are a few milk analyzers manufacturers, able to make human milk calibrations. We make that since seven years already.
All this is possible, because we count on the quality and the precision of our milk analyzers. We never strive for low prices and numerous sales.
The measuring technology that we use is much more reliable than the ultrasound one. Our measuring sensors work for a long time, without necessity of pre-calibration.
We measure all the milk parameters, without calculating them with software, as it is with the ultrasound analyzers.
The measuring technology of our milk analyzers, rectifies all the drawbacks of the IR-measuring method.
At the IR-method, is it necessary to homogenize the sample, which leads to many problems due to the frequent repair of the mechanical homogenizers.
The monthly maintenance of our milk analyzers is around 20 euro, while at the IR-analyzers, it is around 1500 euro per month, for special solutions for cleaning and zeroing.
Out milk analyzers can measure a sample with high acidity, while the IR-analyzers can not do that. We can measure cold milks, while they can’t do that, without preliminary heating.
The biggest advantage of our milk analyzers is that they are more expensive than the ultrasound ones, in order to be more reliable and precise than them and a way cheaper than the IR-analyzers.